Trauma to the eye may cause internal structures to bleed creating a hyphema. Trauma may also cause glaucoma if other structures are damaged. Acute eye trauma should always be evaluated.
Chemical burns to the eye are generally very painful and require frequent instillation of eye drops. Alkali chemical burns are extremely serious and often cause permanent loss of vision despite aggressive treatment. Such household products that should be handled with extreme care are liquid drain cleaners.
A scratch or abrasion of the cornea, or front surface of the eye is very painful and if not treated quickly and properly poses a danger of infection. Generally treated with antibiotics, abrasions heal nicely within 48 hours.
back to top ^Corneal ulcers have many causes, one of which is over wearing contact lenses. These ulcers are very serious and require aggressive treatment with topical antibiotics and require mandatory follow up as the infection may move to the inside of the eye.
The sensation of flashes of lights or increased ‘cobwebs’ floating in your vision may be an indication of a retina problem. Such symptoms need to be investigated immediately.
Foreign bodies which lodge themselves on the cornea or outer aspect of the eye are painful and need to be removed immediately due to the high risk of infection. Ferrous metallic objects always leave a rust reside which needs to removed after the foreign body. Very frequently foreign bodies trigger an inflammatory response inside the eye which is noted by increased light sensitivity and redness. The resultant abrasion and inflammation are treated with topical eye drops.
back to top ^Glaucoma is an elevated pressure inside the eye, which causes damage to the optic nerve leading to severe vision loss or blindness. Acute glaucoma is a sudden and extreme rise in eye pressure which is a true medical emergency. Extreme eye pressure may cause a severe headache, eye pain, nausea, vomiting which may result in permanent and complete blindness within hours. Chronic glaucoma on the other hand is painless elevation of eye pressure. If left untreated, progressive vision loss will occur and lead to blindness.
An infection of the eyelid and the skin around the lid can become serious very quickly. Increasing pain, redness and tenderness are signs and symptoms to seek immediate treatment. Prompt oral antibiotics are required as such an infection has an easy pathway to the brain.
Patients with symptoms such as unusual flashes of light or viewing ‘cobwebs’ in their vision should seek immediate care as these symptoms generally signal a retinal detachment.
Patients with diabetes are at higher risk for a bleed in the middle of the eye. Such symptoms would include darkening or cloudy vision.
back to top ^Contact Lens Overwear syndrome
Diabetes and Diabetic Retinopathy
Herpes Simples Keratitis / Corneal Ulcer
Is characterized by a chronic infection of the eyelids which generally causes burning, irritation, redness of the eye lid margins and scaly, flaky matter on the eye lashes. Treatment includes antibiotic ointments and focused eyelid hygiene intended to make you eyelids healthy with normal appearance.
This condition is present when eyelid blepharitis spreads to the general eye causing redness, increased irritation and a discharge. Topical medications are prescribed along with eyelid therapy if necessary.
This condition is a result of an infected gland in the eyelid with symptoms of acute pain, redness tenderness, or it may present with a painless lump which may be present for months. A chronic chalazion requires minor surgery to remove.
back to top ^Is the result of either a bacterial or viral infection of the white part of the eye known as the conjunctiva. A bacterial infection requires antibiotic eye drops whereas a virus infection is self limiting.
Is characterized by irritation, infection and swelling of the cornea. Decreased vision, light sensitivity, redness and pain are all associated symptoms. Proper diagnosis and treatment is necessary as serious infection, scarring and vision loss may occur.
Diabetes causes blood vessels in the back of the eye to rupture spilling fluid into the retina causing vision loss and potential blindness.
back to top ^This viral infection of the cornea, despite aggressive treatment with medications may cause permanent vision loss and scarring of the cornea. The infection is generally recurrent and progressive.
A zoster viral infection of the face and eye is extremely painful and serious and may cause iritis and glaucoma and result in vision loss due to scarring of the cornea.
Is an inflammation inside the eye with the underlying cause a result of injury or systemic reasons. Symptoms include redness, extreme light sensitivity and eye pain. Topical steroids are prescribed with generally a favorable result.
back to top ^Optic nerve disease is most frequently caused by circulation problems, stroke, inflammatory conditions, injuries or glaucoma. Inflammation or injury of the optic nerve may cause total and irreversible loss of vision despite all available treatments.
A simple hemorrhage of the surface of the eye which may occur spontaneously from coughing, sneezing, strenuous exercise or high blood pressure. Blood thinners such asprin, plavix or coumadin may play a role as well.
Viral infection of the conjunctiva is commonly referred to as pink eye. Keratitis is diagnosed when the viral infection is on the cornea. This results in a foreign body sensation and redness.
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